Beacon Dog Festival 2024

We’d like to apologise to those who do not see their dog images above. When transferring the images from the SD card to the PC, I was warned that the SD card was corrupt & so only the first few dog images appeared, the rest didn’t appear at all. This was an unforeseen error & is a very rare occurrence. This is this first time this has happened to us & we regret the inconvenience this may of caused you. If you’d like to contact us with with dog(s) name, we can either arrange a full refund or you can have another dog(s) photoshoot on Sunday 12th May at 11pm on the Beacon Country Park again (same place we where at the festival). If you take the re-shoot, we’d like to offer you extra images for free. Please contact us at & let us know what you’d like to do.
Once again, we offer our deepest apologies for any inconvenience this may of caused you & hope that you understand, this was due to an unforeseen & rare error.
Danny Jackson – Club Secretary.